Resident and nurse waving and smiling in the garden

The Return of Visitors

Following the recent announcement by the government and thanks to the tireless efforts of those involved in the vaccine programme, we are now able to allow visitors to return to the home to see their loved ones. Whilst we are over the moon at this next step back to normality, sadly we’re not quite able to resume pre-pandemic procedures. We are currently only allowing visitors in allocated slots between 11am -5pm during the week and in the mornings only at the weekends between 10-1pm. If you would like to arrange a long-overdue visit, please call the office between 1-3 pm Monday-Friday to make a booking. We are only allowing 2 people to visit at a time to allow for social distancing. Although relatives are welcome to come in and take their loved one out into the garden to meet up with a maximum of 5 other family members. Residents will also be able to go out with the families for a coffee or lunch without the need to isolate on their return.

Residents will no longer need to isolate after a hospital appointment unless they have had to stay in overnight or for a longer period. The 10-day isolation rule will apply to any new admission to Laurel Care Home from the hospital.

A lateral flow test is required to be taken on the day of your visit. We would like visitors to self-test before their visit and present an email or text showing a negative test result having recorded the information on the government website. Test kits are available online and at most chemists, we have some available at the home too that we can give you. We appreciate this is not always easy for our visitors and if you require us to carry out a test for you and record the information this can be arranged. You will need to allow an additional 30 minutes prior to your visiting slot for this. PPE must be always worn in the home (apron, gloves and a fresh mask), this is provided by the home and is available on arrival in reception. 

All the team at Laurel Care Home have been blown away by the support and respect we have received from the families of our residents since this pandemic began and we cannot wait to see you all back in the home.